1 Vera Cohn
and Michael Laris, 'Metro Area Population Continues Upward Trend: Loudoun
County Among Nation's Fastest Growing According to Census', Washington
Post, 15 April 2005, A01; see www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52779-2005Apr14.html.
2 The National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, The 911 Commission
Report, Government Printing Office (Washington DC), 2004, pp 2-35;
see www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf.
3 Senate Amendment
No. 2502: To Withold Funds Allocated for Construction of the Headquarters
Buildings of the National Reconnaissance Office,' Congressional Record,
10 August 1994; see www.fas.org/irp/congress/1994_cr/s940810-dod-nro.htm.
4 Cassidy
& Pinkard is the area's largest locally owned commercial real estate
firm: 'Cassidy & Pinkard Arranges Sale of Corporate Point III in Westfields',
5 National
Reconnaissance Office, 'Corona', www.nro.gov/corona/facts.html.
6 US Centennial
of Flight Commission, 'Balloons in the American Civil War',
7 Steve Vogel,
'Military Has High Hopes For New Eye in the Sky: Sensor-Equipped Blimps
Could Aid Homeland Security', Washington Post, 8 August 2003, B01.
8 Department
of Defense Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, '100 Companies
Receiving The Largest Dollar Volume Of Prime Contract Awards: Fiscal Year
2001'. www.dior.whs.mil/peidhome/procstat/p01/fy2001/top100.htm.
9 Atlee E.
Shidler [ed], Greater Washington in 1980: A State of the Region Report,
The Greater Washington Research Center (Washington DC), 1980, pp 6-9.
10 Martin
Kady and Mike Sunnucks "'Bandits" Bank on Bush: Federal Contractors Pin
Hopes on Defense Boost', Washington Business Journal, 1 June 2001;
see www.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2001/06/04/story1.html (May
15, 2005).
11 Greater
Washington Initiative, "Get Regional Facts",
12 Joel Garreau,
Edge City: Life on the New Frontier, Anchor Press, (New York),
1992, pp 6-7.
13 Brent Stringfellow,
'Personal City: Tysons Corner and the Question of Identity' in A. Bingaman,
L. Sanders, and R. Zorach [eds], Embodied Utopias: Gender, Social Change,
and the Modern Metropolis, Routledge, (New York), 2002, p 174.
14 'Tysons
Corner Center: Mall Directory'
15 'US Army
Strategic Communications Command Microwave Station, Tysons Corner, VA
(Fort Ritchie Site E)', http://coldwar-c4i.net/Site_E/index.html, May
27, 2001 and 'Warrenton Station B', www.fas.org/irp/facility/warrenton_b.htm.
16 National
Capital Planning Commission, The National Capital Urban Design and
Security Plan, NCPC, (Washington DC), October 2002, pp 6-10.
National Capital
Planning Commission, Designing for Security in the Nation's Capital:
A Report by the Interagency Task Force of the National Capital Planning
Commission, www.ncpc.gov/planning_init/security/DesigningSec.pdf.
17 Maureen
Fan, 'Block by Block, Access Denied: Security Just One Reason D.C. Has
Moved Beyond L'Enfant', Washington Post, 22 August 2004, A01; see
18 Simson
Garfinkel, Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century,
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc (Sebastopol, CA), 2000, pp 1-12.
19 'In the
Matter of Searches Involving 555 Grove Street, Herndon, Virginia, and
Related Locations: [Proposed Redacted] Affidavit in Support of Application
for Search Warrant, US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia,
Alexandria Division, October 2003, www.usdoj.gov/usao/vae/ArchivePress/OctoberPDFArchive/03/safaaffid102003.pdf.
20 Ibid,
p 6.
21 Nancy Dunne,
'Attack On Terrorism - US Homefront: US Muslims see their American Dreams
Die', Financial Times, 2 May 2002; see http://specials.ft.com/attackonterrorism/FT3P6NEVBZC.html.
22 District
of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Advisory Committees to the U.S. Commission
on Civil Rights, 'Civil Rights Concerns in the Metropolitan Washington,
D.C. Area in the Aftermath of the September 11, 2001, Tragedies: Chapter
2', June 2003, www.usccr.gov/pubs/sac/dc0603/ch2.htm.
23 Dolores
Hayden, Building Suburbia: Green Fields and Urban Growth 1820-2000,
Pantheon (New York), 2003, p 3.
24 National
Defense University, Stuart Johnson and Martin Libicki (eds.), Dominant
Battlespace Knowledge, NDU Press Book (Washington DC), 1995.
25 ESRI,
GIS for Homeland Security, ESRI White Paper, November 2001, www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/homeland_security_wp.pdf.
26 Usama Fayyaad,
Gregory Platetsky-Shapiro and Padhraic Smyth, 'From Data Mining to Knowledge
Discovery in Databases', American Association of Artificial Intelligence:
AI Magazine 17, Fall 1996, pp 37-51.
27 Mark Monmonier,
Spying With Maps: Surveillance Technologies and the Future of Privacy.
University of Chicago Press (Chicago and London) 2002, pp 1-16.
28 Spencer
S. Hsu, 'Defense Jobs in N.Va. At Risk: Many Buildings Fall Short of New
Security Standards', Washington Post, 10 May 2005, A01; see www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/09/AR2005050901087.html.
29 David Cho,
'Base Plan Undercuts Sprawl Battle: Region's Leaders Criticize Job Shifts',
Washington Post, 15 May 2005, A01; see www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/14/AR2005051401190.html.
30 Hsu, op
cit, A01.